Welcome to Week Three of Block Party, where we learn that friends encourage one another! Below, we have listed everything you need to WATCH IT, DO IT, and TALK ABOUT IT. At the bottom of the page, we included information about the monthly challenges as well. If you need a further explanation, visit the START HERE page. Let’s go!
WATCH IT! (This Week)
DO IT! (This Week)
You will need this week’s lesson from the Lesson Pack and the required materials from the activity pack. Just in case you lost this week’s lesson, click here to download the whole pack.
TALK ABOUT IT! (This Week)
Find a grown up and take turns answering these questions.
You have all month to work on your memory verse (although, it shouldn’t take very long to memorize it. Once you think you have it, recite it to a grownup before you mark it off your Challenge Card!
ZOOM CALL (This Month)
Every Sunday, we host a 20-minute zoom call for Elementary Kids (K-6th) at 6 PM. It’s the same content all month, so you only need to attend once (unless you want to attend again). See you there!
September Hang Time Challenge: Prioritizing a relationship with our kids involves listening, paying attention, and being intentional with our time. The Hang Time Challenge provides five fresh and unique ways to connect as a family this month.
The NextGen Ministry at MISSION Community Church is committed to partnering with parents and helping kids find and follow Jesus. From babies through high school, we strive to be a church “For Everyone”, creating environments where children and youth can belong even before they believe.