Child Dedication

At MISSION, we believe child dedication is an important step for a family and should not be taken lightly. Parents/Legal Guardians, who dedicate a child, are making a promise to the Lord to do everything within their power to raise their child in a godly way, until he or she can make a decision to follow God. Some of the responsibilities in doing so include teaching and training their child in God’s word, the Bible, demonstrating an example of a godly life, and praying for their child.

Because we feel so strongly about this decision, we ask that parents/legal guardians complete a class before making this commitment.

The classes for the Fall will be held on Sun, Sept 8 and Sun, Sept 15 in the Bldg 3 Room 300 at 1030a. Sign up for classes here:

The Child Dedication Celebration will be held Sat, Sep 28 at 10a.

As a parent/legal guardian, you obviously recognize the significance of your role. Kids are a gift from God and it’s your responsibility to lead and guide your children to become kind, responsible, hard-working, generous, (add your adjectives here), human beings.

We believe that helping your kids find faith in Jesus and grow in that faith is one of the most important things a parent/legal guardian can do for a child. Most importantly, our hope is that our kids will grow in faith in Jesus that will guide them for the rest of their lives.

However, there’s a parenting challenge we all face. When kids are little, life is a little chaotic. The list can be overwhelming:

  • Endless Feedings
  • Changing Diapers
  • Colds
  • Social Activities
  • Teething
  • Stomach Bugs
  • Doctor Appointments
  • Monthly Wardrobe Replacements

You might feel like you are simply just surviving, right? Giving your kids what they need to THRIVE in life and in faith has to be squeezed into the chaos of everything else you already have to do. Sometimes the THRIVING stuff doesn’t receive the priority it needs.

When our kids are older, we may actually have more time, but MANY of the important moments and foundational opportunities are gone. Catching up on missed opportunities doesn’t always work the way you had hoped.

However, one of the best ways to prioritize faith for your child, when you are still close to the starting line, is Child Dedication Celebration. Child Dedication is actually the first major faith milestone resource/event for families at MISSION. This event gives parents the opportunity to pause and intentionally prioritize some things in regard to their little children.

Through a required Child Dedication Class, you will sit with other parents/legal guardians and discuss how to set specific parenting goals for your children. Through the celebration event, you will celebrate your child and your commitment among family, friends, and others who will walk with your family in the years to come.

We invite you to participate in our upcoming Child Dedication Celebration by first attending a Dedication Class.

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Mission Parents is a resource provided by Mission Community Church