Perspective Shift

Apparently, everyone has more time for Facebook and social media right now. Everyone’s a little overwhelmed, but posting and sharing funny and insightful content is like a part-time job. Whatever it takes, right?

Last week, my wife sent me something she saw on facebook, it was posted by another school mom she knew.

In 2030

College kid: “In history clas, we learned that the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 was really bad. What was it like?”

Parent: “Well, everything was shut down in an attempt to kill the virus, but not everyone followed the order to quarantine for 15 days, so it lasted longer than anyone expected. Many people died who shouldn’t have. Grocery stores were out of everything because people were hoarding as much as they could. We were scared of economic failure for our country and to ourselves because we couldn’t work. Don’t you remember it? You were 8.”

College Kid: “All I remember was the school closing and being homeschooled. I remember doing scavenger hunts in our yard. I remember eating meals as a family for a change. I remember getting great sleep because I wasn’t up late for homework or getting up early for school. I remember board games as a family. I remember watching our pastor on our laptop. Honestly, it was the happiest time of my childhood.

Reading this post pushes me to view what is happening around me from a different perspective. I have an 8 year old who will be in college in 2030. I’m curious, what will she remember about the time when the world shut down?

I don’t think we need to exhaust ourselves making sure the 2020 Pandemic is the adventure of a lifetime. But I’m pretty sure there are a few things I can do to make this time a little memorable. 

  • Taking a daily, after dinner family walk or bike ride
  • Teaching your kids a new card game that becomes your new “family game”
  • Build the biggest blanket fort your kids could even imagine
  • Camp out on the family room floor watching movies until everyone falls asleep
  • Play indoor hide and seek, even if you hide in the same exact spot every time (my four year old loves finding me first every time)
  • Reading/Listening to an epic book/series like The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter
  • Tackle a large puzzle or lego set

Remember, this season may be stressful and overwhelming to you. But for your kids, it could possibly be the happiest time of their childhood.

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