Child Dedication

Child Dedication is the first major faith milestone for families at MISSION. Find out more here.

Back to School Bash

Sunday, Aug 4 – At the End of Each Service – Splash Party – Popsicles – Be There!

7 Ways to Get Your Teen to Actually Talk to You

It’s hard to know how to talk to teenagers when they won’t talk to you. If you want your guarded teen to open up, here are 7 things to try.

5 Things Worth Celebrating In Each Phase

There’s no denying it: Seasons of change are incredibly hard. But they can be both hard and good!

4 Mistakes Parents Make With Technology

How do we find the right balance for our kids between benefiting from technology while avoiding the danger of it?

Baptism Class

Is your child or preteen asking big questions about faith? This interactive class is for kids AND parents.

Events for Parents

Stay up to date on upcoming events specifically for parents.

Connect with Parents

Find other parents in your phase of parenting for community and encouragement.

Need Some Help?

Need help with a specific parenting challenge? We’ve organized content around a handful of common challenges.

Mission Parents is a resource provided by Mission Community Church